A. Background
Research on the legibility of text books are lessons in the framework of standardizing the quality of textbooks in the school refers to the regulations. Government Regulation No. 19 of 2005 on National Education Standards states that, among other subjects, including text books to the education facilities that need to set quality standards, as well as the quality standard of education, namely the standard content, the standard process, competency standards, standards of education and personnel , The standard of facilities and infrastructure, management standards, standards of financing, education and standard of assessment. Article 43 These regulations state that the ownership of textbooks must achieve the ratio of 1:1, or a text book lesson is for a student. Of textbooks used in schools must have the truth of the contents, serving the systematic use of language and legibility of good, and chart the functional. Feasibility is determined by the assessment of the National Education Standards Agency (BSNP) and determined based on the Regulation of the Minister. Regulation of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia (the game) No. 11 of 2005 in a more detailed set of functions, selection, the use, ownership, procurement, and supervision of textbooks. According to the Regulation of the Minister is, of textbooks is obliged to reference books used in schools that learning materials in order to increase the faith and the rotation, good nature and personality, skills, mastery of science and technology, sensitivity and aesthetic ability, potential and physical health are prepared based on national education standards. Of textbooks as a reference work required by the teachers and students in the learning process. From the results of the study reveal that the text books used in our schools consist of four types. When reviewed the classification based on the book education, consisting of (1) of textbooks; (2) teaching book; (3) books and (4) reference books (Center Perbukuan the Ministry of Education, 2004:4). Of textbooks is a book that works for students to learn. This type of book is very dependent on the developed curriculum. The book also called teaching guide educators (No game. 11/2005). This book functions as a guideline for teachers to teach a lesson materials. Books work as a book that can enrich the knowledge, skills and personality students. Reference book is also called the reference book (No game. 11/2005). This book is a book that serves as a source of information in a deepen the study. The type of books is often called a source with the books or reference books. Some characteristics of textbooks is: (1) has a scholarly foundation and a clear date, (2) contains material that is sufficient, varied, easy to read, and in accordance with the needs of students, (3) is presented in a systematic, logical, and organized; ( 4) increase the interest the students to learn; (5) contains materials that help students to solve similar problems; (6) contains self-reflection and evaluation to measure competency that has been and will be learned. From the aspect of the content or materials, textbooks lessons must be accountable from the point of truth and knowledge that diajarkannya not violate the governance norms and regulations. These learning materials should be specific, clear, accurate and, in accordance with the curriculum, and are following the developments and the current period. Illustration accordance with the text and more instructive, and not only as decorative. Of textbooks should also serve the purpose of learning, set the gradation and selection of teaching materials, instead of the assignment to the students, observing the relationship antarbahan, and the relationship with the training text and questions. This should be able to improve students' motivation, leading to the mastery of competence, so that other materials that can remind one of the other (recalling prerequisite), utilizing feedback (feedback) and self-reflection (self-Reflection). Of textbooks should also be able to convey the material in the language of good and correct. Here can be seen whether the use of the language fair, interesting, and in accordance with the development of the students or not. Legibility aspects related to the level of ease of language (vocabulary, sentences, paragraphs, and discourse) for students with appropriate levels of education, namely matters related to the ease of reading or writing topography, width and space aspects of the other chart, kemenarikan material in accordance with the interests of readers, the density of ideas and information in the literature, beauty and style of writing, grammar and conformity with the raw materials. In 2004 the Ministry of Education through the Directorate General of Basic and Secondary Education Decree No. 455 and 505 have been set textbooks for lessons to elementary school and Madrasah Ibtidaiyah for Mathematics, Science, English, Social Knowledge and who meet eligibility content, serving, legibility, and chart-based assessment conducted by PNPBP Center Perbukuan the Ministry of Education in 2004. Such books in 2006 should have been used in elementary across the country. To determine the legibility of text on the subject should be reviewed in three cases, the legibility of text, background readers, and the interaction between the text with the readers. Readability related to the events that made someone read, so will bertemali with aspects of (1) readers; (2) reads, and (3) background (Rusyana, 1984: 213). The third component will be able to explain the legibility of textbooks. Assessment of the legibility of textbooks that have been made to the text book lessons in 2004, only centered on aspects of reading, good things associated with the discourse, paragraphs, sentences, and words from the principle that, in the Indonesian language and the language ketersesuaian with students . Meanwhile, information about the condition of interaction between readers and readers with reading activities in the assessment is not a consideration because the information must be obtained when the book is used as a readers learners. Therefore, information about the interaction of readers and readers with a complete reading required in the legibility of textbooks. Thus, an examination conducted in more depth on these aspects, namely "Readability Text Book Elementary School with the National", which reviewed based on the characteristics of the readers and their use in learning.
B. Issues Research
Based on the background, the legibility of this study define the problem as follows:
(1) How to read a profile of elementary school students interact with the text book lessons with national views of: (a) diversity that reads read outside school hours? (b) Frequency activities to outside school hours?
(2) How legibility of text books that elementary school lessons with the National reviewed based on the characteristics of the students as users of the book? This problem developed with the characteristics of students. Therefore this problem developed again become: (a) How legibility of text books to be reviewed based on lessons learned when keterpahaman students against the use of vocabulary, sentences, paragraphs, and the discourse contained in the book? (b) How legibility of text books to be reviewed based on lessons learned when kemenarikan serving in the text books that determine keterpahaman these books? (c) How legibility of text books to be reviewed based on lessons learned when the ease in understanding the material sistematika serving?
(3) How legibility of textbooks to primary schools when the national standard of use is reviewed based on events learned in the teacher?
C. Platform Main Theory
Readability is all the elements in the text (including the interaction antarteks) that affect the success of readers in understanding the material dibacanya on the optimal speed reading (Dale & Chall in Gilliland, 1972). Mc Laughin (1980) adds that legibility is related to the understanding of readers because it has During attraction which allows readers continue reading in the sinking. Gilliland (1972) and concluded that legibility associated with three things, namely, convenience, kemenarikan, and keterpahaman. Ease of reading related to the form of writing, namely, the typography (topography) as the width of the letters and spaces. This facility related to speed the introduction of the word, the level of error, the number of seconds per eye fixation, and clarity of writing (the form and size of the paper). Kemenarikan related to the interests of readers, the density of ideas on reading, writing style and beauty. Keterpahaman associated with the characteristics of words and sentences, such as long-short and the frequency of the use of words or sentences, up sentences, paragraphs and order. Next, Klare (1984:726) stated that the reading level of legibility, which have both affected the readers will increase interest in learning and memory, increase speed and efficiency of reading, and keep reading habits. Basically, the level of legibility it can be determined through two ways, namely through a formula and legibility through the response of readers (McNeill, et.al., 1980; Singer & Donlan, 1980). Formula legibility is basically the instruments to predict the difficulties in understanding reading. Score legibility based on the formula is obtained from the number of words that are considered difficult, the number of words in the sentence, and the length of the sentence that reads samples taken randomly. Formula Flesch (1974), Graph Fry (1977), and the graph Raygor (1984) using the formula which similar legibility. From the third formula, the Fry Graph more popular and widely used because the formula is relatively simple and easy to use. Legibility level of discourse can also be obtained from the tests legibility of a number of readers in the form of ability to understand the reading test. The test is to test what is mentioned by Bernhardt (1991) as a 'heuristic six factors in understanding the content of reading'. Three factors associated with the text (text driven), namely the introduction of the word, the process dekoding phoneme-grafem, and the introduction of syntactical sentence. Three other factors related to the knowledge of readers (knowledge driven), namely intratextual perception, metacognition, and prior knowledge. The third factor is the last hidden and implicit, as has been discussed in the previous section. Meanwhile, Gilliland (1972) mentions five ways to measure the level of legibility, namely, the subjective assessment, debriefing, the formula for legibility, graphs and charts, and techniques cloze. Subjectively by certain people, such as teacher, librarian, editor, and groups of readers based on the observation of the contents, patterns, vocabulary, format and organization of a reading. Because by nature subjective, the validity of the results of assessments depend on the reliability of the assessors. If the assessors have adequate knowledge about aspects of legibility, the results usually have a good validity. Research on the legibility books have been held since the 1920s, among others, by Lively and Pressey find a formula based on legibility words and sentence structure and word meaning from the measured frequency and the predominance of demand (Klare, 1984). Dale (in Tarigan, 1985) examined the amount of vocabulary used by the children's beginner learners in the United States. Some 1,500 have ridden their words, especially related to the vocabulary words that are used daily. Entering the second year, students had to control some 3,000 vocabulary words. Addition of vocabulary each year about 1000 words, so that the number of vocabulary average for high school graduates around 14,000 words, and for students around 18,000 to 29,000 words (Harris & Sipay in Zuchdi, 1995). Legibility results of the study conducted by the Center Team Perbukuan year 2003-2004 concluded that the important characteristics of a text book lessons for primary schools that have high legibility can be seen from the aspect of the discourse, paragraph, sentence, word choice, and the question or exercise - training in book studies the text. Based on the study of aspects of discourse, the textbooks to primary schools that have high legibility for students with grade one to grade three, if presented with the narrative discourse, while classes for students with four to six presented with a description of the discourse. Based on the study of aspects of paragraphs from that research, it is known that the textbooks to primary schools that have high legibility is a lesson that the book is presented by using deductive paragraphs. Paragraphs inductive can be used to improve the understanding of students in classes four, five, six, and if used in the narrative discourse. Based on the study of aspects of sentence, the textbooks to primary schools that have high legibility for the two students and three classes are the words of the use of a simple sentence, while classes for students with four to six can use the broad understanding that can improve more well. If the use of discourse is the discourse of arguments, the simple words of the discourse can improve the legibility of a textbook. Based on the study of aspects of the use of words or choice of words, the textbooks for primary school students with grade one to three that have a high legibility if the book is used simple vocabulary, have sukukata simple, and kosakatanya related to the social context of the students. The use of vocabulary in the textbooks for students with grade four to six should avoid the use of specific terms, foreign or again tonight. Based on the study of the question reads, or in the exercise of textbooks, the textbooks for primary school class with a grade one to three questions should use the reading-shaped field is limited, the word hiatus, or complete a word in the context of sentences. Meanwhile, questions or training classes for students with four to six classes can use the question, command, or the exercise which demands the development of logical thinking ability and the ability of abstract thinking. In connection with the measurement of legibility or reading a text book lessons for primary school then it can be stated that the SMOG formula can be used to predict the suitability of a reading before the allotment was used as reading material to students in elementary schools. This formula is quite simple and can be used to measure the legibility of a reading of at least consists of 10 sentences. Measurement of experts or teachers on the legibility of reading material can only be done if the assessors (assessor) to control the materials to be measured and control aspects of the language used in the reading. The results of this measurement can be used to predict the level of legibility, before use as teaching materials to students. Legibility based on the measurement of students' abilities in reading and understanding the question reads a realistic measurement. Results of measurement in this way produces the legibility according to the results of the measurement formula SMOG and assessment experts. Measurements of this type of measurement results are considered the most suitable, because it made directly to the students as users. The results of this measurement can be used as an indicator of a reading that has a high legibility.
D. Research Methodology
Legibility of this study was conducted to legibility based on the interaction of readers (students) with a text book lessons with the National Primary School. To get that information, first reviewed the profile of the readers (students) elementary school in Indonesia. The focus of this research is to know the legibility of textbooks have stated that meet national standards, especially on keterpahaman and kemenarikan books reviewed the condition of students from elementary schools in Indonesia. In addition, the legibility of text books also reviewed the lessons based on feedback and experience of teachers in the use of textbooks in learning activities. In the case of legibility based on the condition of students, reviewed data on the characteristics of the students reviewed (1) type of textbooks that are used (English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Knowledge), (2) spatial (Indonesian part of West and East); (3 ) Levels of education (low grade / grade 1 and 2 compared with the high class, the class 3,4,5, and 6) and (3) based on the gender of the students (male and female). Meanwhile, data from the teachers are not classified based on the characteristics of teachers, because this is not the focus of this study. The study was conducted using the data source as: (1) All text books Primary School who studies national standard. (2) Primary School Students (grade 1 to grade 6) the use of textbooks that the national standard. (3) Primary School Teachers use of textbooks as a national standard materials pembelajarannya. In determining the source of the sample data, conducted by purposeful sampling technique with the selection criteria for the study sample keterpahaman students to the national standard book is as follows: (1) Book lessons used in schools that are in the range of this study, and the recipient schools block grants language textbooks, Science, Social Knowledge, and Mathematics. (2) Selection of primary school as a sample by considering the classification results of school accreditation by the Accreditation Board School (Accreditation of A, B, and C). (3) Selection of the schools also consider the geographical location of schools (schools in big cities, small cities, and the edge). (4) Selection of students based on a sample of students, men and women students from each grade level (I to VI). (5) The number of sample students to each class at least four people. (6) Total sample of teachers are all teachers up to class VI in a school sample. Meanwhile, as a comparison study conducted by the legibility of experts (desk research). This activity is carried out to confirm the data accrued from the results of the research. Therefore, the desk study to define the criteria of the sample book as follows: a. All the books language lessons, Science, Social Knowledge, Mathematics and the national standard, which used a sample of schools that school. b. Selection of sample books made randomly by considering each of these subjects. c. That the election be defined as three units of lessons (three chapters) are selected based on the representation of the early, middle and end of the lessons are presented in the book.
E. Research Results
In this section, presented the results of the research associated with the problems examined. Of the results of this research is adjusted to the things that are very dominant done by the students of primary school. The details of the results of this research are as follows.
1) Read Student Profile
Based on this research note that the profile read Primary School students who interact with the text book lessons with a national (English subjects, Mathematics, Science, and Social Knowledge) are as follows: (a) read the diversity of activities outside school hours by students is still lacking. Reads that read every day by 1-2 grade students is a comic book titles and television, especially by male or female students grade 3-6. However, students in grade 3-6 are generally each day reading the text book lessons. Reading fiction (stories) almost never read by students and 1-2 students male class 3-6, likewise known that the special class 3-6, in general, never read information from the Internet. Reads that read once a week on the general form of a magazine or newspaper. In addition, the type that reads read only once a week by students in classes 1-2 and daughter-class students is 3-6 comics, books to read once a week by students in the class 1-2, and 3-6 grade students daughter read story books generally done only once in a week. (b) Activities to read or reread the text book lessons outside school hours, students do still low. Activities read and re-read the text book lessons outside school hours, has a smaller frequency compared with the frequency they watch television. This means that the activities to watch television, which made students more dominant than the activities undertaken to read or reread the text book lessons outside school hours. It is known that very interesting to watch television in the 1-2 grade students and female students 3-6 grade male student more than the male and female grade 1-2 classes 3-6. In the case of reading fiction (short stories / novels, poetry, or drama) is still little is done. Activities of reading fiction is generally done only sporadically by the amount of time a little more than they watch television activities. Similarly, to read information from newspapers, magazines, or reading on the internet (special grade 4-6) is still very little done by the students.
2) Readability Characteristics
Based on Students Legibility of the study based on the interaction between reading (of textbooks) with students based on a review keterpahaman vocabulary, sentences, paragraphs, type text / reading; kemenarikan of textbooks and facilities in serving sistematika understand the results of research as described below. (a) Keterpahaman Vocabulary Understanding of primary school students to use the vocabulary of textbooks depend on the introduction of their vocabulary is. This means, understanding them will be good if the vocabulary used in English, Science, Social Knowledge and sequentially often heard (21.40%), vocabulary is known (20.42%), and is often used (16.22 %). This indicates that the conditions of primary school students generally understand the vocabulary because they often hear, know, and often use the vocabulary. However, special for Mathematics students had the level of understanding of the vocabulary used because the vocabulary is already known (23.0%) by them in their daily life. (b) Keterpahaman Sentence Understanding of primary school students on the use of the word in the text book lessons depends on the intimacy with these students. This means, if the words that are often known by the students will be more high legibility of text books these lessons. However, with this, specifically for mathematics have a text legibility high when these are presented in an effective, simple, clear and reveal the purpose or meaning of the sentence was intended. This is also the result of the second level of legibility of textbooks. It should be noted that the legibility of textbooks is determined also by the simplicity of use. The simple sentence was written in the text book lessons the higher legibility of the text books. If the textbook is used sentences that are difficult or students not yet known, the keterbacaannya to be low. However, keterbacaannya will be high if the sentence is followed by the words or descriptions that function as a descriptive sentence and is often heard by the students, especially in the subjects Social Knowledge. (c) Paragraphs Keterpahaman Understanding of primary school students on the use of the paragraphs in the text book lessons depending on the location of the main ideas in these paragraphs. When a paragraph in place the main idea in the beginning of a paragraph so students can better understand these paragraphs. This means that the paragraphs that were prepared by placing the main idea or thought at the beginning of the main paragraphs can be understood more students the meaning of these paragraphs and have a high legibility. The level of legibility is also determined by the availability of a picture or illustration that the convoy paragraphs. Thus, besides placing the main thoughts or ideas at the beginning of paragraphs, the presence of a picture or illustration that the convoy paragraphs can enhance students keterpahaman of paragraphs used.
(d) Comprehensibly Text
Reading In general, text or a discourse that is used in the national standard can be understood (64.55% or 373 respondents). When reviewed, based on forms of discourse that used the characteristics associated with reading which is considered easy to understand why the students found that a text / reads easily understood if the reading is presented using a form of discourse and narrative exposition or argumentation. This is very interesting if the review is based on the types of subjects, it is known that the exact sciences groups of subjects (Mathematics and Science) which reads easily understood if presented with the fair use of discourse and arguments, while for groups of social subjects (English and Social Knowledge) if presented with the use of discourse and narrative exposition. When reviewed based on the level of education, it is known that the level of ease in understanding the text / reading, the students based on low-grade (1-2) is considered a reading impalpable if reading is presented with the use of discourse and narrative exposition, while the high-class, if presented with the discourse exposition and arguments. Gender-based classification of the respondents, it is known that female students, according to a text easily understood if presented with the use of discourse and narrative exposition, while the male students, if presented with the use of discourse exposition, narration, and argumentation. (e) Interestingly of Serve Text Book Lessons Based on the study reveal that the national standard text books in general is very interesting that 97% disclosed by the student respondents. Those confirmed to the students when the reason for the statement stated that the text book lessons with the national interest because they use a picture or illustration that clarify the content of the material presented and to use the letters / reads a clear and legible, and easily understood language. Kemenarikan of textbooks to be reviewed if a national standard based on the characteristics of the respondents, the reasons are almost the same, except when respondents are classified by grade level. Respondents high (grades 3-6) states that kemenarikan of textbooks is a national standard because it is presented by using language that is easily understood and use the volume and color images, according to the respondents, while low-grade (1-2) for using the image that clarify the content and use the letters and clearly legible.
(f) Ease of Understanding Sistematic Serve
Based on sistematika serving of textbooks national standard is known that in general the text book lessons that easy because a serving of such material, along with images, combined with the knowledge of students, and customized experience with the students. However, when reviewed on the basis of lessons obtained information that serving of textbooks English easily understood because the material is adapted to the experience of students. Serving of textbooks Knowledge and Social Sciences considered easy mark by serving as the image. Meanwhile, the mathematics text books are considered easy to be understood as serving the material in the book is associated with the knowledge of students. 3. Based on the Readability Rating Teachers Based on the experience of teachers in the use of textbooks English, Mathematics, Science, Social Knowledge and know that the average legibility of text book learning English have a level of 3.52 legibility. Mathematics text books have a level of 3.71 legibility. Science text book lessons have legibility level of 3.68. Knowledge of textbooks have Social legibility level of 3.22. Legibility of text book learning English, Mathematics, Science, Social and Knowledge-based assessment of teachers who teach in Indonesia's western region is known that the average legibility of text books with subjects of 3.67, while teachers in the Indonesian region of East 3 , 50. The teachers give an assessment of the legibility of textbooks to primary schools with an average score of 3.58 from a score of 5.0 is ideal. This shows that in general the teachers stated that the text books have lessons with the high quality of legibility. This can be a score of the average value of legibility, which provided teachers with experience in related learning activities, generally score above the average value of legibility. Only this assessment is considered less comprehensive because it is done based on the books with the national Primary School used in the schools. The results of the assessment of teachers is next conducted by researchers justification through desk study conducted by random sampling of 37 text books Primary School who studies national standard. Based on the study desk study reveal that the average legibility of text books with lessons for the Primary School has a value 3.45. Thus, Average score is not much different with the assessment that teachers do or do not have a bias too far. Based on this study is known that the general standard of textbooks have not been equipped with books Educators guidelines, so that the score-related aspects of the very poor. Similarly, the criteria of the book, with the work, a book on the books generally are not equipped with a standard book work. F. Knots From research legibility of textbooks for elementary school subjects in English, Mathematics, Science, Knowledge and Social knot obtained as follows: (3) In conducting the study on the profile read Primary School students who interact with the standard of textbooks, note that: (a) read the activities of the students every day outside school hours for the class is reading comics 1-2 and 3-6 for the class is the events of television and reading the text lessons. 1-2 grade students in general to read books again only once in a week. Students almost never read information from the Internet and fiction (fiction books), except the 3-6 class of women students who read fiction once a week. Activities to read information from magazines or newspapers is generally done only once in a week. (b) to read the activities of students outside school hours, have a lower portion than watching television, especially that done by women students 1-2 grade students and male class 3-6. Based on kekerapannya known that the type of fiction books to read, information from newspapers, magazines and the Internet tend to be done once-only once, with a portion of the lower than watch television. (4) Readability of textbooks with keterpahaman depend on vocabulary, sentence, paragraph and the type of reading that is used; kemenarikan serving of the book; and ease of use sistematika serving materials. (a) Keterpahaman in the vocabulary of textbooks is determined by the frequency vocabulary is already known and heard by students. Keterpahaman sentence in the text book lessons determined by the level of intimacy and simplicity of these students, if the words in the text books are often known by students or presented with a simple layout, the legibility of textbooks is increasingly high. Keterpahaman paragraphs in the text book lessons determined by the location of the main thoughts or ideas that are presented on the main paragraphs and early availability of a picture or illustration that the convoy paragraphs. Keterpahaman text or reading books with the generally higher, because the use of discourse narration, exposition, and arguments. Keterpahaman reading text books in the exact sciences subjects (Mathematics and Science) high when using the type of discourse exposition and arguments, while social subjects (English and Social Knowledge) use the type of discourse and narrative exposition. (b) Kemenarikan serving of text books with subjects is very high, because the picture or illustration that clarify the content of the material presented and to use letters or reading a clear and legible, and easily understood language. Of textbooks that use language that is easily understood, using the volume or color images, using pictures and illustrations that could clarify the contents, and using letters that read, and have a clear attraction determine the legibility of the book. (c) Ease in understanding sistematika serving also determine the legibility of text books with lessons. Ease in understanding is serving as a material is accompanied by a picture, combined with the knowledge of students, and adjusted to the experience of students as users of the book. (5) Readability of textbooks to primary schools with teachers based on an assessment that is associated with learning, are known to have high legibility (3.58 from 5.0). Generally the text book lessons have not been equipped with a guide book and educators working as a support for learning activities. G. Recommendations Based on the knot at the top, is presented in the following recommendations: (1) To improve the legibility of textbooks, other than the need to be improving the quality of textbooks legibility standard, also required improvement of the quality of the students read the profile. Therefore, teachers should always motivate students to read every day, whether related to the subject matter and to seek information from newspapers, newspapers, and the Internet. In order to increase the intensity read story books (fiction), teachers should deliver the benefits that can be achieved if students read the activities of the text. (2) In order to reduce the portion of a television activities with students should read each day the students given the quiz, training, or activities that may encourage them to increase the portion of the profile read, so read the primary school students, the better. (3) To improve the legibility of text books to primary schools with lessons should the author or publisher if the book will make revisions to the text books can replace the use of vocabulary that is rarely heard and not known by the students; replace the use of the sentence that has not been intimate with the students and a complex sentence; rebuild paragraphs that can be converted into paragraphs and deductive complete with pictures and illustrations; form of discourse adjust to the type of discourse that has a high legibility for students. (4) In the effort to improve the legibility of text book can lessons be done with the author or publisher to use pictures or illustrations that clarify the content of the material presented, using letters or reading a clear and legible, and easily understood language to students. In addition, the intention sistematika serving, serving as a material with images, combined with the knowledge of students, and adjusted to the experience of students in order to improve the legibility the book. From this research can also be submitted recommendations on the results of research as follows: (1) In order to increase the use of textbooks with the teacher then recommended to complement the textbook publisher with the guidelines provide clarity and educators about the completeness of the book work that need to be prepared in learning. (2) Research the use of two types of instruments to students, for students grade 1-2 and 3-6 classes, but there are obstacles when the instrument measuring the 1-2 grade students who still can not read. Similarly, when doing research, in particular school students assisted teachers in providing answers, the teacher should be assigned only a low grade lead students in determining answers that are intended students. Therefore research to the next instrument recommended that students need for more simplified again, adjusted to the conditions and the ability of low-class students. Instruments on the profile read the students need to be simplified with the level of diversity and frequency of a more rational. (3) Data on teacher assessments of the text books to primary schools with lessons still not comprehensive. This occurs because the text of the book is not comprehensive lesson in all areas as research subjects. Rating teachers to books tend to be subjective text with limited data sources so that further research is needed to increase the diversity of books with text and the number of teachers using the book. It is therefore recommended that further research can improve the diversity of textbooks with that assessed by teachers. (4) In this research is still not much to get information related to the interaction with readers reading. Therefore, recommended further research to study the rate of increase in the interaction, which includes the study of the level of the introduction (and recognising the word), understanding (understanding) on the aspects of language books (discourse, paragraphs, sentences, words), convenience (easily) to understand the message , interesting aspects of chart books (picture, color, food / lay out) and responses (Responding) students in reading the text as a source of learning lessons and learning.
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